Sunday, February 17, 2013

Ready, Set, Go!!

February 18th is almost here which means it's time for me to buckle down with my health and fitness goals!  That means it's AdvoCare 24-Day Challenge time! The cleanse starts tomorrow and I'm so ready for it!  I'm ready to clean out all the funk from my body from the last 7 weeks of a crazy busy life.  Ready for some awesome workouts and moving myself to the next level of training.

The challenge isn't all about weightloss.  For me personally, it's a spring board in my workouts.  I also run faster (ok jog faster), lift heavier and push myself past my mental limits.  I'm 31 yrs old and have honestly never felt better in my entire life!  I'm feeding my body great clean food and amazing supplements!  

Bring on Monday because this girl is ready to blow it up!!

Sunday, February 10, 2013


Today has been a day full of frustration, anger and confusion.  Steven and I have dreams that are wonderful and amazing but they will take hard work and dedication to accomplish them.  At what point though do you ever feel like your on the "right" path to accomplishing those dreams?

Our dreams take big sacrifices that can take a toll on our emotions.  For the couple that doesn't have any kids we aren't home very often.  2013 was the year to have a baby...yeah right!  Not sure when we are suppose to fit that in!  We seem to over commit ourselves to everything else and in the end we pay the price.  The price being that we don't focus enough on our own marriage and dreams.  We push those things to the "next free weekend" and then that never seems to roll around.  But we feel selfish when we tell family and friends no.  

Now here we sit 6 weeks into the new year still not focused on our financial dreams, health and wellness to the level that we want to.  We makes excuses constantly but we never put ourselves first!  So how you do press the reset button on life?  It's hard!  We've tried about 4 times in the last 3 weeks and still haven't reset.

We are faced with how to move forward and start living the life we have always wanted to.  We've done it before but somehow we have to get back on the right track!  So if we take a step back from the social calendar of life, don't take offense.  We're focused on starting a family, financial freedom, and accomplishing our goals for 2013.  

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Scared to Post

Strange title right?  Don't worry it will all make sense very soon!

I've been doing Crossfit for about 5 months now.  Some might think that's a long time but it's really not.  When I started Pam Munson asked me had I ever done any sports when I was younger.  I literally LOL'd at her.  I mean seriously...was she looking at the same person that I saw in the mirror each day?  She then started to tell me that I was an athlete and I again chuckled because I honestly thought she was just blowing smoke.  In January my attitude FINALLY changed about my athletic ability.

At Crossfit Champions they post the WOD on their website and ask you to post your results after completing that particular WOD.  I was determined to NEVER post my results because I was embarrassed by them.  Then I thought why?  Why was I am embarrassed?  Those people posting all had to start somewhere on there own journey right?  I continued to watch as people would post and I continued to do nothing with my own results.  Then I changed my thought process and started wondering how many other people are having those same thoughts?

Then the day came and I posted my results finally.  You know what?  Not one person said anything negative!  Instead people are encouraging and proud of my success.  I never thought that anyone would be proud of my athletic success.  Then again I never thought I would have an athletic success story.

So yesterday's WOD was very challenging for me and I was again faced with the fear of posting my scaled slow results but I did it anyway!

3 x 300m Run
3 x 500m Row
3 x 150 Jump Ropes
Total Time:  26:46

Don't be ashamed of your results!  Everyone starts somewhere on their journey.  Be proud and post away!  Someone you don't even know will benefit from you being open about your struggle and success!