Monday, July 2, 2012

Counting Should be Easy ....Right?

Just a fun quick hitter for the Crossfitters out there.  So there are two things that seem to be a challenge for a newbie crossfitter like myself.  The first is breathing.  I mean its a simple process breathe in and then exhale.  Nothing to it I been doing it for as long as I have been alive.  I mean I am a pro at it now, been doing it for 36 years.  I can even breathe through my nose or my mouth.  I excel at this movement.  So it makes me wonder why that sweet 02 plays hard to get during WOD.  I know she will come around eventually but does she have to be soo stubborn. 
The second challenge for a newbie crossfitter is counting.  Once again an easy process just add one to number.  I pretty much got that nailed down many years ago even checked my old progress reports to verify.  So today's WOD was 150 wall balls.  Not a problem I have counted pass 150 numerous times.  Well lets just say I am pretty sure I did more than 150.  Keeping track up to the 50s was pretty easy but from then on as I grew tired I found myself just doing the movement and not counting.  So I would add to my totals in a conservative manner.  I would hate to resort to counting on my fingers and toes during WODs.  I am sure that would get in the way of the movement. 
So crossfit is more than just tuning you body to me it tunes the whole package.  Mind and body.


  1. I still mess up once in a while with the counting so I use sidewalk chalk or a piece of paper beside me.

  2. Steven, Hilarious post! Nancy W.(6a.m.) used to gauge how difficult the WOD was by how loud my gasping for air was as she was walking from her car into the box. Odd though, because I never felt I was going to pass out. When I would work out on Sat. mornings, people who didn't know me would come up to me in the MIDDLE of a WOD and ask me if I was okay because I was gasping so loudly! Ah, yes, counting. If we have to do any more than 3 rounds, I must have a piece of paper to make marks on. Running more than 400m? I tear strips of paper and drop one when I make the loop. Definitely, on 150 wallballs I'd be writing that down as I went. Keep up the great work! You will be so pleased to see where you are in three months.

  3. Awesome post. I recently came to the conclusion that if i'm not totally gasping for air during the WOD, then i'm not working hard enough. Keep on keeping on. Your doing great.

  4. Just wait until you get to an Angie-type WOD (100 each of pull-ups, push-ups, sit-ups and squats) or Michael (I won't type that one out...its scary). I've used my hands as the paper and kept tally marks with a pen. This doesn't work with pull-ups, just so you know. You're very right on both counts. We've all got practice. Neither should be so hard but dang they are. After a while you'll think you did something wrong if you can breath and still think. Push on! Love your posts! - Pam
