Sunday, July 1, 2012

Good Enough is Not Good Enough There is Better

All my life I have been a good enough person.  Results really did not matter as long as the work or task got completed then that was good enough for me.  It did not matter what the results of my labor looked like as long as it was done.  For the longest time I took this approach to getting healthy.  My thinking was as long as I went to the gym then that was good enough.  It did not matter how much effort was put in because I was at the gym.  Well something has slowly started to change in me during this past month.  Good enough is not good enough there is BETTER!

Now I may not improve on every workout but there is always something that I am going to strive to do better.  It is not ok just to show up and go through the motions.  I want to give my all out effort on every workout.  I want that hour worth of time at the box to be my bubble from the world.  No stress from work, family or life.  I want all my physical and mental energy to be focused on squeezing out one more rep until I hear the buzzer.  Why do I want this because I want to be better.  Better health wise, better person, and better husband.  I believe they are linked together.

Had a great weekof workouts at Crossfit Champions.  I set a PR on power clean.  I failed on my first attempt but then was able to rock 143lbs.  Thanks Coach Christian AKA Chris LOL.  I also did some box jumping too for the first time.  I made it all the way up to 24 inches.  Whoop Whoop.  I love the feeling when you push yourself to a new standard and are able to reach it.  Can't wait to get to the box again.  I might have put my foot in my mouth with the wife.  I told her that there are three days in the week I look forward to.  Tuesday and Thursday because of Crossfit and then Saturdays because I get to spend two days with her.  Oh slowly she is coming on board to the Paleo way of thinking. 

1 comment:

  1. Exactly, Steven!! One thing, some thing, any thing better every day. Two months from now you'll be different and better and six months even more still... Its exciting!
    Owner, CrossFit Champions
