Friday, July 13, 2012

The Day Matt got Creative and Tried to Thin the Herd

The day was July 4th.  A day to remember our country's independence from British rule.  Well Matt Munson the owner of Crossfit Champions came up with a creative way to celebrate this great day.  This also was the beginning of my second  month of crossfit.  Matt made the workout to equal the date 7-4-1776.  It was seven rounds with four movements in each round for time or sixty minutes which ever came first.
At first I thought maybe Matt is trying to thin the herd down.  You know like a lion looking for the weak of the herd to pick off.
Well the workout was as bad as I thought it would be.  I try and make mini goals for my workouts so I wanted to make at least four rounds.  I knew it would be hard since I still get gassed easily.  It was a killer workout.  I started to get that sour feeling in my stomach halfway through the workout.  I got to round four and mustered my way through it.  I told myself to keep going and get that fifth round.  With about two minutes to go all I needed to do was one last row to complete that fifth round.  Well I was dead basically I was tapped out.  Then Coach Denise got on the machine next to me.  She just needed to finish her row to complete all seven rounds.  She started to talk to herself willing herself  not to finish on the machine.  It inspired me to finish not on the machine also.  It gave me that last bit of kick to finish my fifth round.  Thanks Denise for getting me to the end.
Since that workout I have notice that I am able to go a bit longer in my workouts.  They also seem to be not as intimidating.  Then it dawn on me Matt was not thinning the herd but making it stronger.  By breaking my body down I am able to do more.  Not just physically but mentally too. 

1 comment:

  1. Whether you can or can't, its all in your head. Your perception of scary is shifting. Just gets exciting now! Congrats!
