Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Been A While...

It's been over a month since I've last blogged!  I'm going to get back on track with this because it's really a great way for me to be able to not only share my journey but I've met some pretty amazing people who read my blog.

So what have I been doing the last six weeks...

I competed in the Crossfit Open 2013 this year which was a big first step for me.  I was pretty impressed with my overall performance.  All the workouts were on different levels for me physically but the mental aspect was about the same.  Just don't quit was my motto going into every workout.  I completed all five weeks and was happy with my results.  Overall I was stronger physically and mentally by the first week of April.

This picture is from 13.2 I'm pretty sure but I could be wrong...That's 75pds for those who are wondering!  It was darn heavy!

The Open came to end but then I started the Spring Into Summer 24 Day Challenge with my AdvoCare group.  It was time to drop a few pounds, inches and increase my cardio performance.  I started out strong the week of April 8th...then it all came to a screeching halt this week.  I was mentally exhausted, frustrated, depressed and my stress level was thru the roof!  Why?  I'm my own worst critic in life and I'm not talking about a little bit harsh.  I'm talking about failure is what I see most days in my own life as I reflect on my over all health and workouts.  I am terrible about hiding all my feelings inside and then they blow up like a bomb (right Jana and Pam!!).  

I've done a lot of self reflecting over the last three weeks and I refuse to let myself see the progress that I've made in my lifestyle over the last five months.  The positive things I seem to forget is that my marriage is stronger than it ever has been!  Steven and I rarely have arguments (if any) and we've found the perfect balanced of happiness while working on having a successful future together.  There's just one thing holding us back and it's my mental weakness.  I've got to believe in myself and my abilities. 

I'm not telling you all this for pitty or sympathy votes; I'm telling you because it's reality.  Everyone of us is faced with the reality of life and not believing in ourselves at some point.  What makes us successful is overcoming these obstacles and becoming a better person from the lessons you learned along the way.  

It's only failure when you give up completely and never try again.

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