Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Success Makes a Visit to the Kotaliks

Well last week was a successful one for the Kotaliks.  We ate right all week even when we went to the casino over the weekend.  I may have had a couple of drinks there but I limited them as best as a I could.  Cheris had measurements taken with her trainer to see how she has progressed in her first month of training.  I am proud to announce that she improved in every area.  She was so excited to tell me.  Love to see her face light up when she tells me about her accomplishments.  She has been working hard and eating right glad it is paying off.  Another way she can tell  the results of her hard work is on her clothes.  She has some shorts that were a little tight when she first bought them and now well lets just say they might be a little too big for her.  High five baby so proud of you. 

Well I kind of sneaked a peek at my weight on Friday just to see where it was.  I am proud to say I have dropped six pounds in two weeks.  I know most people will say that it is water weight or that its just a number but for someone who is heavy it is a mental thing that is hard to shake.  We need to know that what we are doing is working.  It keeps us on the right path.  On the other hand it can also derail us if it shows us a number that we did not want to see.  Its something I need to work at.  I can tell I am getting smaller by the fact that my work jeans are getting looser so yea me. 

Oh yea and one other success story for the week.  We have A/C once again in the house.  I am going to miss our in house sauna.  NOT!!!  Our old unit was undersized so we bought the correct size for our house.  Wow does it make a difference.  I was freezing my rear off the first night.  We actually had to raise the temp the net night.  That is unheard of in our house.

Here is looking to another great week for both of us.  We each have a goal of making it to the gym five times this week.  Oh and there is a rumor going around that we maybe going organic.  More details to come.

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