Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Surviving is half the battle

Well today was my first Crossfit workout and I am proud to say I did not have a heart attack or even release my breakfast on the floor.  I am calling this a victory.  Now walking tomorrow or the next day might not be so easy.  If anyone has a used Rascal I maybe interested in it so I can get around.  All kidding aside I had a great workout.  It was hard but it felt good.  My instructor took it a little easy on me since the beginning section of class was one rep max chest presses and back squats.  I worked on form more than weight.  I liked this because I am worried about my shoulder since I surgery around this time last year.  I did light weight only 63 pounds but it did let me know that my shoulder was not going to break.  This is something that I believe held me back in pervious attempts to get in shape.  Shannan my instructor took a short video after our WOD.  To say that I was out of breath would be an understatement.  Words were at a minimal but large gasp for air was on high.   Can't wait for Thursday.

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