Sunday, June 3, 2012

Welcome to the Starting Line

Well here we are again starting over in this long journey.  Only good thing about it is we are trying again and not quitting.  This time I believe we will be a success story.  There were things in our life that we had to address first to get into the right frame of mind.  Now that those have been fixed we can fully turn our attention to leading a healthier lifestyle.  Steven will be doing Crossfit twice a week at Crossfit Champions but may add a third day later on.  Cheris has a personal trainer that she will be working with twice a week at 24hr Fitness. 
We also will be changing our diet too.  In the past we ate out most of the week.  I think we did this because it was easier.  Our plan now is to cook at home six days a week allowing ourselves one meal out.  Our meals out will be at a salad place we found recently called Salata.  Once a month we are treating ourselves to some Mexican food.
We will tweak it as we go but I feel this will help us reach our goals.  You are welcome to join us for our little trip to better health.  Hopefully you will enjoy it and also learn something from our success and our mistakes.

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