Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Week One in the Box

Have been busy so this is going to be a couple days worth of ramblings  Well week one was a success I did not have to be revived at any of my workouts.  My second workout I got to place my totals on the board.  I felt so proud of my effort.  I may not be lifting a lot of weight right now but I am still proud because that is my number.  It represent the work I did and it is also a stepping stone to bigger and better things.  I wonder if my coach thinks I am a big baby with all the comments about how sore I am.  Heck even I think I am in need of a diaper change from all the crying.  LOL.  One thing I have learn from this week is it does not matter how in shape you think you are, "The Box" will keep your ego in check.  One other thing I learned also was Tabata is a mean heartless witch .  Not sure what I did to her or her family but she is out for revenge.  My goal for each WOD is to try and finish strong.  I do not want to be that person who is looking at the clock as the final seconds countdown.  I look forward to this week coming up.

On the healthy eating front I think I did real good.  I have phased out most of my grains.  I used to have oatmeal every morning but now I am having eggs and turkey bacon or turkey ham.  I feel full without the empty calories and carbs.  I have carrot sticks and nuts for my mid morning snack.  Lunches have been chicken with veggies and fruits.  I still have a Special K protein bar for my late afternoon snack.    A couple times a week I have popcorn as an after dinner snack.  I know there are some areas that need addressing but for the most part I have phased out bad choices and replaced them with good ones.  This weekend I did have a little miss step when it came to my diet.  We went to my nephew's birthday pool party.  I did not have any cake or ice cream but I did have two slices of cheese pizza.  I did swim with the kids so maybe it balanced out.  Me loves some pizza.

One last thing went to HEB and did our weekly shopping.  Normal it takes us 45 minutes to a hour to get in and get out.  This time only 20 minutes.  Main reason we stuck to the outer perimeter.  Mostly buying only fresh vegetables, fruits and meats.  Only two side aisles were visited .  I am so proud of us for making the lifestyle changes we needed to make to be the people we want to be.  One side benefit to sticking to the outer part of the store layout is less stress.  I would get grocery store rage sometimes going down packed aisle after packed aisle.  I also do not do well with people lacking common sense.  So the longer I am there the worse it gets. 

I posted a new video on the photo page.  Take a look and have a laugh.


  1. Love it! I am a relative newbie to CrossFit too and I gave to agree about the tabata workout. Lord have mercy!

  2. Hey Steven!
    Love the blog!! You'll be so glad you have this documentation of your progress a year from now. Its amazing to look back and see where you started. Most folks just forget. This is awesome!!
    A hint that Shannan is probably going to give you on the Special K protein bar is to replace that out with a PowerCrunch bar. They're found in the 'health food' section at HEB or at supplement stores. They have a nice macronutrient profile (12g fat, 9g effective carb, 13g protein) as well as sodium and potassium that gets depleted through sweating in your workouts.
    Welcome to the CFC family!

  3. Thanks for stopping by MrsMom. Yea I am glad my wife's name is not Tabata or we have to go on our different ways. They were brutal.

    Pam I will look into the PowerCrunch bar. I thought about taking shirtless progress photos but I did not want to scare anyone with them. I have some with a shirt on that can give just as good idea of were I am coming from. LOL
