Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Hurdles Everywhere!

It's day 17 of the challenge and I find myself questioning and over thinking everything right now.  In the process of doing so, I haven't been eating enough food.  I know, I know...made it 17 days how it can be bad now!  It's a hurdle that I am working on crossing and will over come it by Friday. 

I do feel that this challenge has brought me many successes so far though.  I was able to buy new pants this past weekend, I feel like I have been killing my workouts considering I've only been doing Crossfit for about a month now, and my overall energy level seems to be better.  I have a small sinking spell on the way home sometimes but that could be related to the long drive with the warm sun beating down on me.

So as I move into the final week of the challenge I have some serious things to get done. 

1.  Eat more veggies and eat more food in general
2.  Get in more cardio workouts
3.  Survive the Mary Kay Advance next Thursday and Friday

That's right, I'm the crazy person that is going out of town for a night the DAY BEFORE my final weigh in.  I will be the crazy lady that brings snacks and protein shakes with me to the event!  Who cares if they stare because I'm the one trimming down and looking fine!

So wish me luck as I cross these next 3 hurdles during the last week of the challenge!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

10 Days in the Bag

Well the first 10 days of the challenge are in the bag!  Thank goodness because that means I get to eat something more than fruit for breakfast.  Seriously, 1/2c of fruit for breakfast is killer!  Thank goodness for Spark each morning because it got me jump started.  Now I move on to day 11 feeling pretty good.  I've noticed that my clothes are fitting better and my energy level is strong.

As I move into the last 2 weeks of the challenge I find fear starting to set in.  Not sure why as I am accomplishing more and more with each workout.  Tonight was one of the most challenging workouts for yet.  Primarily because I had to do a warm-up of 400M and then part of the WOD was another 400M. 

Work Out of the Day-For Time
400M Run (Jog for me)
40 Front Squats (15lbs)
40 Box Jumps (12")
40 DB Good Mornings (15lbs)
Finish time was 9:35

Not bad for this gal!  The run is my biggest struggle by far!  Hopefully continued interval training with help to improve the running.  Friday is bringing yet another workout with Pam and I.  This time it won't be raining so I'm sure we will be outside the entire time working on my cardio. 

I've got this challenge in the bag!  I can't find to have my final weigh-in, measurements and WOD on Oct 6th!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

So far so good!

Well I'm 3 days into the challenge and feel like it's going pretty good.  I don't really find anything hard yet.  I actually feel better since I'm eating so clean and healthy.  I have tons of energy (that may be thanks to Spark) and sleep like a baby at night!  I am taking the Advocare Night Time Recovery as well which is helping on workout days.

I'm a little fearful of Friday though.  Pam tells me today that I get 3 special sessions since I'm participating in our group challenge.  I'm not sure if that's a get thing just yet.  See it's one on one time with her while only doing cardio...Did I mention that cardio SUCKS!  I've always wanted to be a runner but struggle no matter how much I try.  I find easy excuses for failing as well.  "Oh I have larger thighs than other women so it's harder, my knees hurt, it's just hard".  So hopefully Pam will help me to be able to overcome this mental battles that I have with myself.

Day 4 here I come tomorrow!  Steven better watch out because he's going to get a brand new wife out of this new lifestyle that I've chosen to live!


Sunday, September 9, 2012

24 Day Challenge

So for all those who don't know, I started doing Crossfit about 3 weeks ago.  Some people have a fear of Crossfit as they think it's only for extreme athletes (which I am definitely not) but it's the complete opposite.  Crossfit is the perfect workout for anyone that is looking to challenge yourself mentally and physically.

Crossfit Champions (where I workout) is having an Advocare 24-Day Challenge that starts Monday 9/10.  So I took the plunge and signed up!  This past Saturday we did our stats and weigh-in as well as a WOD.  OH MY GOODNESS, OH MY GOODNESS I'VE LOST MY MIND!  The WOD for the challenge was very hard for me!  The purpose of this specific WOD was to create your initial time so that at the end of the challenge you repeat the exact movements and improve your finish time.  Want to know what we did and my time?

Run 200M
15-12-9 (reps)
Deadlift (65lbs)
Med Ball Sit-Ups (8lb)
Run 200M
5 Rounds of the following 3:
5 Pull-Ups
10 Push-Ups (on my knees)
15 Squats
Run 200M

My finish time was 16:46.  I struggled a lot after the second 200M run.  Your suppose to keep moving but my mind tells me to take a break and rest.  My run is more of jog at this point but that will continue to get better over the coming weeks.

My biggest struggle in getting ready to start the challenge and improve my workouts is mental.  I let little things derail my success.  So while the challenge is about changing your eating habits and improving your performance; it's also about improving my mental health over the next 24 days.  Realizing that I am successful and I can succeed!