Wednesday, September 19, 2012

10 Days in the Bag

Well the first 10 days of the challenge are in the bag!  Thank goodness because that means I get to eat something more than fruit for breakfast.  Seriously, 1/2c of fruit for breakfast is killer!  Thank goodness for Spark each morning because it got me jump started.  Now I move on to day 11 feeling pretty good.  I've noticed that my clothes are fitting better and my energy level is strong.

As I move into the last 2 weeks of the challenge I find fear starting to set in.  Not sure why as I am accomplishing more and more with each workout.  Tonight was one of the most challenging workouts for yet.  Primarily because I had to do a warm-up of 400M and then part of the WOD was another 400M. 

Work Out of the Day-For Time
400M Run (Jog for me)
40 Front Squats (15lbs)
40 Box Jumps (12")
40 DB Good Mornings (15lbs)
Finish time was 9:35

Not bad for this gal!  The run is my biggest struggle by far!  Hopefully continued interval training with help to improve the running.  Friday is bringing yet another workout with Pam and I.  This time it won't be raining so I'm sure we will be outside the entire time working on my cardio. 

I've got this challenge in the bag!  I can't find to have my final weigh-in, measurements and WOD on Oct 6th!

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