Sunday, October 21, 2012

Sunday Rambling...

Oh my goodness...My feet are feeling great but my knees are still aching after spending Friday and Saturday volunteering for OOIV.  It was a truly amazing event to not just volunteer at but to also watch some amazing people compete.  Most of the people I watched compete are complete strangers but it's funny how spending 10 hours with the same people you just start chatting about random life things.  Being a volunteer can be quite taxing on your body but it makes it all worth it when at the end of the day after all the athletes are tired, final WOD is getting ready to start and they give you a simple "thank you" as they walk out to their final WOD!  Just melted my heart yesterday because at that moment I figured out my next step!

I have a passion right now for Crossfit that I'm not sure I can really explain.  It's more than about just working out 3 times a week in a box, it's about changing my life and finding people that truly care!  One of the primary reason I joined Crossfit Champions was the family that owns and works the box!  I had been a corporate gym member for about 4 years and it had gotten to the point that it just wasn't working for me anymore.  I was terrified about leaving what was comfortable but knew I needed to change.  Matt and Pam run Crossfit Champions and to them it's more than an income, it's a way to help people achieve whatever goal or dream they might have.  I certainly wasn't finding that from the owners of my previous gym (didn't even know who owned the darn thing). 

Their PASSION for nutrition, supplements and healthy/clean eating isn't forced down any one's throat.  It's advice and guidance they provide for FREE!  I decided to take the advice and am 200% thrilled I did.  Steven and I are eating amazing food, feeling better, stronger than ever before and most importantly we are HAPPY! 

So my life is changing right now which isn't a bad thing at 31!  My priorities have been refocused so I can focus on MYSELF!  Often I find myself committing to hundreds of things or people and then I always let taking care of myself be last.  That's OVER!!!

What is your passion?  Do you even know what it means to have a passion?  I looked up the word and a description I found was "A strong fondness, enthusiasm, or desire for something".  Can't get anymore accurate about my current passion!


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