Sunday, October 28, 2012

Cooking for a Week

Each Sunday we attempt to cook for the entire week to make life easier and ensure that we eat healthy all week.  For the first time in about 2 months we actually cooked enough for our entire week today!  Here's a little list of everything that was prepared today (all purchased from Yonder Way Farms):

*Pork Shoulder Arm
*Pork Loin Chops
*Beef Fajita Meat
*Chuck Roast
*Whole Chicken
*Grilled Green Beans
*Grilled Squash and Zucchini
*Grilled Bell Peppers

After everything is cooked then comes the task of weighing meat, measuring veggies and putting it all in containers for lunches for the next 5 days.  Dinner time is easier because we just weigh and warm up what's already cooked.  We also have fruit throughout the week but we take care of that in the mornings along with 4 scrambled eggs each morning (2 for each of us).  The bacon is a treat we allow ourselves on days that we have Crossfit.  We cooked it ahead of time as well so we just grab 2 pieces and add to our lunch boxes.  That's right, I said lunch boxes!!

For weeks we have been wanting to do this but our lives have been really busy and we haven't taken the time to commit to the process.  It took us about 3 hours to prepare, cook and measure everything but it will save us many headaches over the coming week as well as bad food choices for lunch/dinner. 

We are by no means experts in healthy eating.  Honestly this is our first week we are hoping to have 7 great days!  By that I mean NO EATING OUT!  We seem to always fail on the weekends but the important part is we pick-up our extra pounds and head right back to Crossfit no matter what!

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