Thursday, October 11, 2012

Tears AGAIN!

Who knew that Crossfit would bring me so many darn stinking tears!  It happened again yesterday!  It's always tears of joy even though when they are flowing down your face they feel like tears of hate, anger, sadness and fear!

Yesterday's warm-up was high knee skipping for 200M (might as well be jogging for me), strength was weighted pull-ups and our WOD was 21-15-9 of burpees, chest 2 bar pull-ups (ring rows for me) and wall ball shots.  I did scale the burpees to a big ole 15-12-9 but then went back to 21-15-9 for the other two items.  I was physically exhausted and in pain afterwards!  After I finished my workout and was sitting in my car, I cried!  Why?? I was happy because I did an OK job during the WOD.  Wasn't the prettiest burpees but they got finished!  Yet there I sat in my car crying over a WOD all because I felt I should have done better.  I felt like my WOD effort maybe wasn't as good as others in my class.

So why tell everyone all of this?  It's OK to be the weak or the new person in your class!  If each class didn't have that person then how would other people ever feel comfortable to join a Crossfit?  It's not about how long you've been working out or how much better you are compared to others in class; it's about always showing up and giving 200% during your WOD's.  The person that gives 200% will have much better success results than the person who give 80%. 

I'm proud to announce that I AM THE NEW PERSON AND I'M WEAK!  Those two items are going to allow to me to grow and becoming a stronger person physically and mentally!


  1. I love it Cheris!!!! I spent my first year being embarrassed and still am most of the time. You may be the new person, but you definitely aren't a weak one.
    "Strength, like beauty, comes from within. All the work on the outside can never mask a weak spirit."
